School sessions on EVs a success

Two informative sessions on the WA EV Trial were given to Year 9 students of Perth Modern School in November 2011, by Louis Bettini (Sustainability Manager MainRoads WA) and Nicolette van Dijk (Project Manager at CO2Smart).  Two 80 minute sessions with almost a hundred students each were held in which they learned about the trial and electric cars in general.  Next to that Louis gave them a lively account of what it is like to drive an EV and interesting situations he got himself into (with the EV).  The students were also put to the test by letting them do some calculations on range, charging times and CO2 emissions.  At the end of the sessions the students could go outside and have a good look at the MainRoads WA car and the electric engine.  The students showed great interest in the trial and the concept of electric cars in general and were a joy to talk to!
















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